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Russian Technology Transfer Center

International Aviation & Space Salon
Russian Technology Transfer Center
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Full Company's name: Russian Technology Transfer Center
Brief name: Russian Technology Transfer Center
Country: Russian Federation
Chief executive: Zhukov Sergei Alexandrovich, Director General
Contact information: (095) 925-7740, 925-5829, ,
Main office address: 103062, Russian Federation, Moscow, 4,stroenie 1 Makarenko str.

Main lines of business

The Russian Technology Transfer Center (RusTTS) is the first Russian center for technology transfer and commercialization created in Association with the Russian Aviation and Space Agensy (Rosaviakosmos). The company’s goal is to promote the development and utilization of the vast technological resources of Russian space-roket and aeronautics industries, and other federal technology to private industry. RusTTC acts as a gateway for the transfer of Rosaviakosmos and other federal technology to private industry. RusTTC devoted to the common mission of assisting Russian industry to improve its worldwide competitiveness through the acquisition and commercialization of new technologies.
The RusTTC staff is a team of uniquely qualified professionals with extensive experience in technical field. These skills are complimented by advanced business degrees and decades of corporate experience in applying new technologies to new products and building real businesses.
RusTTS offers the following services:
- Identification and evaluation of Russian technology innovations, developments, and enterprises for export and joint ventures.
- Organization of R&D for foreign clients at various facilities of the Russian aviation and space industry.
- Product commercialization.
- Technology Licenses.
- Analysis of specific projects and opportunities under present financial and economic conditions in Russia.
- Patent research.
- Investigation and appropriation of patents and copyrights.
- Market assessment.
- Industry assessment.
- Technology assessment.
- Continuous monitoring and follow-up on agreements and contracts.
- IP evaluation.
- IP management.
- Financial Consulting.
- Focused Technical Literature Monitoring.
In this activities Center cooperates with the governmental offices, i.g. - Rosaviakosmos; the Ministry of the Property Relations; the Ministry of an Industry, Science and Technology; the Ministry Nuclear Energy (Minatom); the Ministry of Justice, and also with the broad audience state, commercial and public organizations.

List of main products

- the general concept of management of results of intellectual activity in aviation and space-rocket branch;
- a technique of revealing and inventory RIA and OIP;
- a technique of technological audit RIA and OIP;
- a standard project of the standard of the enterprise for management of rights on RIA;
- a standard project of the standard of the enterprise for commercial realization RIA and OIP;
- reports on patent researches;
- projects of license contracts;
- calculations of the prices of license contracts;
- the Manual to ”Methodical recommendations for inventory of rights to results of scientific and technical activity”;

   About the company
Zhukov Sergei Alexandrovich
   Exhibitor of

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