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Ural plant of chemical reagent, JSC

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Ural plant of chemical reagent, JSC
Contact information Send request to the Company
Full Company's name: Ural plant of chemical reagent, JSC
Brief name: Ural plant of chemical reagent, JSC
Country: Russian Federation
Registration: INN 6606000754
OKONH 13160
OKPO 0020587
Bank detailes: Accounting Count 40702810400010010126 of ”Severnaya Kazna” Bank (Ekaterinburg city)
Press Count 30101810800000000931
BIK 046549931
Chief executive: Alexey G. Fisenko, General director
Contact information: (34368) 3-40-82, 3-32-80, 4-36-60, 3-44-28, 4-31-42, 3-34-33, 4-31-42, 3-34-33, ,
Main office address: 624096, Russian Federation, Sverdlovsk region, V. Pyshma, 131, Lenin Street

Main lines of business

Joint Stock Company ”The Urals Plant of Chemical Reagents” is the first Russian enterprise specialized in producing inorganic chemical reagents.

List of main products

The plant’s assortment includes about several hundreds of chemical reagents. Among them:

- oxides of vanadium, bismuth, calcium, cadmium, copper, sodium, nickel, silver, zinc;
- salts of aluminium, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, copper, nickel, silver, zinc;
- compounds of vanadium and iodine;
- granulated lead, zinc, tin, cadmium, aluminum and fusible alloys based on lead, tin and bismuth;
- standards for analytical practice;
- elements and ion standards for aqueous solutions;
- chemical reagents for clinic diagnostics.

The product’s application spectrum includes: petroleum chemical industry, electromechanical industry, production of varnish and paints, fodder additives, food industry, production of galvanic, ceramics, fire-clay and fire-bricks, cosmetics, glass, pharmaceutical preparations, photographic materials, luminous substances, explosive substances, mechanical engineering.

Cooperation with research academic institutes, own exploratory base, flexibility of effecting allow to respond more quickly to market demand changes and to master output of new products.

JSC ”The Urals Plant of Chemical Reagents” is always open for cooperation with customers, putting the purpose to meet requirements of the customer.

 << Main
   About the company
Alexey G. Fisenko
   Main activity
Metals and Alloys
Nickel (II) nitrate hexahydrate
Oxides and Hydroxides
Cadmium oxide
   Exhibitor of
Russian Expo Arms

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