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Company name: Joint Stock Company “Techpribor”
Brief name company: Techpribor
Country: Russian Federation
Bank essential elements: Р/с 40702810236000000334
К/с 30101810200000000791
БИК 044030791
Bank of Open Society ” Industrial - building Bank ” SPb, Branch ” Kirov Incorporated ”
Available licenses: Registration number 924
Development of aviation technics(technical equipment), including aviation dual-purpose technics(technical equipment)
the Russian aerospace agency
Date of registration of 23.02.2002
the License - photo

Registration number 926
Development of arms and military technics(technical equipment)
the Russian aerospace agency
Date of registration of 23.02.2002
the License - photo

Registration number 928
Manufacture of arms and military technics(technical equipment)
the Russian aerospace agency
Date of registration of 23.02.2002.
the License - photo

Registration number 930
Manufacture of aviation technics(technical equipment), including aviation dual-purpose technics(technical equipment)
the Russian aerospace agency
Date of registration of 23.02.2002
the License - photo

Registration number 932
Repair of aviation technics(technical equipment), including aviation dual-purpose technics(technical equipment)
the Russian aerospace agency
Date of registration of 23.02.2002.
the License - photo

Registration number 934
Repair of arms and military technics(technical equipment)
the Russian aerospace agency
Date of registration of 23.02.2002
the License - photo
Head of the company: Oleg F. Petrov
Contact information: (812) 369-58-97, 369-88-89, , www.techpribor.ru
Address of the main office: Russian Federation, 196084 Saint-Petersburg, Varshavskaya st., 5A
Post address of the main office: 196084, Russian Federation, Spb, Saint-Petersburg, Varshavskaya st., 5A

Basic directions of activity

Our main orientation is aircraft equipment developing, manufacturing and servicing.

Onboard systems controlling vibration and airliquids parameters centering and fuel management complexes onboard systems controlling airengines and ship diesel engines flight data recorders (FDR) oil and fuel level, amount, consumption and temperature sensors vibration sensors.

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For electronic communication take advantage of a key " To send inquiry in the company " which is located in the beginning of page.

About technical the characteristic, the prices and conditions purchase of let out production it is possible to receive more detailed information here

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Mobile & Wireless Technologies
Russian Expo Arms
Dubai Airshow
Farnborough International
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Aerospace Industry Week Russia

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