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Sarapul Radio Works - Holding (SRW- Holding)

”High quality at minimum expence”
Sarapul Radio Works - Holding (SRW- Holding)
Send request to the company
Company name: Sarapul Radio Works - Holding
Brief name company: Sarapul Radio Works - Holding (SRW- Holding)
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Alexander M. Polusmak
Contact information: (34147) 3-03-81; 3-20-00, 3-26-50,
Post address of the main office: 427960, Russian Federation, Udmurtia, Sarapul, 40, Gogolya Str.

Basic directions of activity

Mobile radio sets of ”Arbalest” and ”Aqueduct” communication systems for
battle and other vehicles.
- Radiotelephones, citizen radiotelephone stations.
- Note- and coin counters.
- Car audio systems, car radio receivers, car CD players.
- Loudspeakers for car audio systems.
- Antenna-feeder devices for the radiotelephone systems.
- Unit for gas burner of the water boiler control.
- Control units for the machines with numerical programmed control .
- Medical equipment and instruments.

List of names of basic let out production

”Arbalest ”system.
- Radio set P-163-50У
- Radio set P-163-УП
”Aqueduct” system
- Radio set P-168-5УВ
- Radio set P-168-25У
- Radio set P-168-100У
- Radio set P-168-100 КА
- Radio set P-168-100КБ
- Radio set P-168-5КВ
- Radio set P-168-0,5УС
- Radio set P-168-5MKM
- Radio set P-168-25MKM
- Radio set P-168-100MKM
- Radio receiver P-168- УП
- Car audio systems: PM-293CA; PM-201CA; PM-206CA; PM-213CA.
- Car radio receiver РП-299 А-2.
- Car loudspeakers: 75AC-6902A; 25 AC-1303A; 15 AC-1001A; 6 AC-2A;
15-AC-392A; 25-AC2A.
- Antennas: active AA-2A, whip AШ-1A.
- Unit for gas burner control БУГ 2ТМ-1.
- Digital program control panel ”CAP 3000”.
- Machine panel МКСИ.467256.001 for numerical programmed control;
- Tissue viability indicator /endoscopic/ /ИЖТ-Э/.
- Tissue viability indicator /abdominal/ /ИЖТ-А/.
- Biogenerator of Shchelkonogov/БГЩ-Б.
- Medical instrument / tires, screws, spokes, wire/.
- Immobilizer.
- Relay of the back antifog lights.

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