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MAKS 2005 - International Aviation & Space Salon
Contact information Send request to the exhibition
Company name: Leasingmashtorg, Ltd
Brief name company: Leasingmashtorg, Ltd
Country: Russian Federation
Head of the company: Vladimir N. Martynov
Contact information: (095) 721-90-05, (248) 7-41-90, 721-90-05, (248) 7-41-90,
Post address of the main office: 140186, Russian Federation, Moscow region

Basic directions of activity

- Export and import of flying devices, the aviation equipment and devices, the air field and ground equipment, simulators, other aviation property, including rent with the right for future sale and purchase.

- Sale and purchase of airproperty.

- Rendering of a complex of services in the organization, operation and maintenance service, as in Russia, and abroad aviation engineering, and also other kinds of engineering.

- Development and realization of actions for development of perspective forms of foreign economic relations; the organization and maintenance of technological cooperation; an exchange, sale, purchase of materials, machines, the equipment for their realization.

List of names of basic let out production

- Marketing researches and sale practically all kinds of aviation engineering of the Russian and foreign manufacture.

- Delivery of second-hand aviation engineering of the Soviet, Russian and foreign manufacture.

- The organization of repair of aviation engineering.

- Delivery of the equipment, spare parts, materials and groups - complete sets to all kinds of aviation engineering of the Soviet and Russian manufacture.

- Delivery of spare parts to gliders and engines, fuel, hydraulic and air systems.

- Delivery of devices, electric equipments and spare parts to them, and also aviation materials.

   About company
Vladimir N. Martynov
   Exhibitor of
To company

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.