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Geyser Scientific & production Company

Geyser Scientific & production Company
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Company name: Geyser Scientific & production Company
Brief name company: Geyser Scientific & production Company
Head of the company: Valery V. Butenko
Contact information: (095) 230-00-85, 230-08-12, , www.geyser.ru
Post address of the main office: 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Moscow, 6, 2-nd Spasonalivkovsky per., B-49, GSP-1,

Basic directions of activity

• Development and implementation of navigation and information security communication systems
• Frequency assignments to radioelectronic facilities of space and terrestrial radiocommunication services on both domestic and international levels
• Theoretical and experimental studies of electromagnetic compatibility of radioelectronic facilities, radio monitoring; development and implementation of preparation and technical measures in relation to electromagnetic compatibility for radioelectronic facilities
• Testing and certification of radioelectronic facilities in relation to electromagnetic compatibility GOST-R
. • Testing and certification of objects and systems in relation to information security requirements;
assembling and service of information protection systems and facilities
• Conducting certification tests of the GLONASS/GPS space navigation equipment
• Development and implementation of geoinformation systems (GIS), rendering surveying and mapping support
• Delivery of Globalstar satellite communication equipment, authorized provision of Globalstar satellite
communication services ':
• Provision of full range of Globalstar satellite communication system services
• Designing, delivery, assembling, putting into operation and warranty service of digital radio-relay communication systems
• Development and introduction of special-purpose software for managing the radio frequency spectrum
• Information-analytical support, translation and publishing services"

List of names of basic let out production

1. "Сuроl" automatic vehicle location system based on satellite navigation technology and CIS
2. Providing of technical and legal support for frequency assignments to radioelectronic facilities on both domestic and international levels
3. Providing of theoretical and experimental studies of electromagnetic compatibility, radio monitoring
4. Providing of testing and certification of radioelectronic facilities in relation to electromagnetic compatibility GOST-R requirements
5. Providing of certification tests conducting of the GLONASS/GPS space navigation equipment
6. Designing, delivery, assembling and putting into operation of PASOLINK, PASOLINK-S, PASOLINK+ digital radio-relay communication systems
7. Application GIS systems and software packages designed for transport monitoring systems, electromagnetic compatibility and radioelectronic facilities coverage areas estimation and for other purposes involving the use of the radio frequency spectrum
8. Providing of testing and certification of objects and systems in relation to information security requirements. Assembling and service of information protection systems and facilities
9. Publication of the 1TU-R official documents translations (Radio Regulations, Rules of Procedures, CPM reports and etc.)

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