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SAFT, Energy unlimited
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Boris Bobrovich

General Director JSC Trace - SAFT agent in the CIS

SAFT is the world’s leading battery supplier to the aviation industry, producing a wide range of batteries for all kinds of aircraft, both fixed wing and rotary, civil and defense, whether providing power for engine starting or energy for emergency back-up, SAFT batteries are unmatched for reliability and safety under all conditions.
SAFT was the first Western company to receive official certification from the relevant aviation authorities of the Community of Independent States. SAFT batteries are approved for all Russian TU, IL, YAK aircraft, as well as for MIL helicopters. SAFT batteries are delivered to more than 50 Airlines, including leading Airlines: Aeroflot, Sibir, Domodedovo, GTK Rossia, Pulkovo, Uzbekistan Airlines, Mavial, Azal, Sakha Avia, and also to OEM: Kazanskoye APO, Tashkentskoye APO, VASO.

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