Сегодня: Понедельник 09:54, 18.3.2002

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The C.I.S. Aviation & Space Directory (на английском языке)

The C.I.S. Aviation & Space Directory.

Содержание: Published since 1994 by KONVERSULT, the Directory is the most accurate information on your aviation and space customers and potential partners in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Baltics: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia. Our directory provides the unique historical and commercial information on over 3,000 organizations of Aviation and Space Industry and Civil Aviation of the CIS and Baltic states. 80 spheres of activity in the Industry section. Airborne Equipment, Airborne Armament Systems, Airships, Space Ports, Electronics & Radioelectronics, General Aviation, Ground Missile Systems, Ultralight Aircraft, Industrial & Marine Turbines, Military Aircraft & Helicopters, Optics & Lasers, Overhaul & Maintenance, Propellers, Radars, Rocket & Missile Engines, Simulators, Software, Spacecraft and Satellites, Sports and Training Aircraft, Commercial Aircraft, Unmanned Flying Vehicle, Welding, WIG Aircraft etc.

Страна: Россия
Год выпуска: 2000
Производитель: Конверсалт
Носитель: печатное издание

Информация предоставлена Издательством Конверсалт

Цена USD 250


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 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru tel. (095) 211-24-20 fax. (095) 211-56-47