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Company Sukhoi
Su-30MK, Su-31M, Su-32, Su-35
Rosoboronexport - Export/import of military/dual-use equipment and strategic raw materials...
Development radar-tracking, the diagnostic medical equipment
Aviatehmas, JSC
7-50s-3, AMG-10, VNIINP 50-1-4u, VNIINP 50-1-4f
Rosma, JSC
Working fluid 7-50s-3, Hydraulic oil AMG-10, VNII NP 50-1-4u, VNII NP 50-1-4f
ASTC Aero-Astra
Researches in design, manufacturing, and expluatation of light rotorcraft.
IAI Israel Aircraft Industries, Ltd
Commercial Observation and Communication satellites and launchers ARROW - Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missiles (ATBM)
121 ARZ
FSUE ”121ARZ” has licence of Russian avia-space agency N 2550 from 9.07.2003. with the rignts...
Motovilikha Plants Corporation
This year Motovilikha Plants Corporation will mark its 265th anniversary. The main trends of Motovilikha Plants Corporation rega...
Environmental protection
The Order And Booking Of Air Tickets, Airtransportations
Internal Fflights: Ufa, Kazan, Rostov-on-Donu, Ekaterinburg, Flights On The Countries Of Near Abroad...

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.