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Литературный жанр

"Мой город Жуковский"

Multi-colored World

Issue 6


In this issue:

Our town

Tour round town

A disaster in our town

Places of interest

Transport in our town

My route to school

All about everything

Our town

There are The Central Air-Hydrodynamic Research Institute TsAGI (1) and Flying-test Institute LII (2). There is an airport on the territory of LII. This airport has got the longest runway in Europe. TsAGI is the biggest aviation institute in Russia.

This is a new supermarket. It was built for three years.

This is a train by platform Otdych. This railway is the longest in the world.

Tour round town

1. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our round Zhukovsky sightseeing tour. We're in Moscow Square now and we're turning left into Zhukovsky street.

2. We're at the House of Scientists now and we're turning right into Mendeleyev street and we're going towards the symbol of our town. On the left you can see the fourth school. On the right is Zhukovsky Bread Factory.

3. We're going along Gagarin street. On the right you can see the Central Air-Hydrodynamic Research Institute. Straight ahead is Administration Building.

4. We're going along Pushkin street. On the right is Monument to unknown soldier. Behind us you can see the stadium "Meteor". And we're turning left into Mayakovsky street.

5. We're in Lenin Square now. On the right you can see the Monument to professor Zhukovsky and on the left is the House of Culture.

6. We're going along Chkalov street now. On the left you can see our hospital. We're going towards Otdysch station.

7. Our tour have finished. Goodbye.

Here is one of the lanes in Zhukovsky park after the hurricane.

What is it? It's the lane, too.

A disaster in our town

At 7pm on 24th July 2000 it was a tropical downpour with a hurricane in our town. The hurricane came from Narkomvod, and it was in district of Gromov Square, Tupolev street, Garnaev street and Nizhegorodskaya street.

The disaster lasted for about 10 minutes, but it broke a lot of trees in our park. Some buildings in Zhukovsky and in Flying-test Institute lost their roofs Luckily, nobody died, but the traffic was stopped.

We think people won't forget about this disaster for a long time.

Places of interest

Zhukovsky museum

10am - 5pm on weekdays

11am - 2pm on Saturday

The museum is closed on Sunday


Adults 10 r

Children 5 r

Chakalov street

Frunze street

We are here

Bus stop



Opening hours:

10am - 3pm on weekdays

It's closed on Saturdays and Sundays


Transport in our town

Zhukovsky isn't a very big town, so a lot of people walk.

It's free but you can get tired and wet.

You can catch a bus. But in some places there are no buses. It's cheap (only 4 rubles) and you buy your ticket in the bus but sometimes you have to wait a long time.

You can go to by taxi. You don't have to wait a long time and you don't have to queue, but it's very expensive - 25 rubles. Or you can go by route taxi. It's cheaper than taxi (5 rubles), but the route like buses doesn't go in all streets. You buy your ticket in the route taxi.

If you want to go to Moscow you can catch a bus, a route taxi or train on station Otdykh. The train is cheap. You buy your ticket at the ticket window at the station.

My route to school

At 8 o'clock I come out of my home. I turn left and go straight on. I turn left and go towards Garnayev street. I go along Garnayev street to the traffic lights. I cross Chkalov street and go round the shop. I take the second turning to the right. After that I take the first turning to the left. I go towards my school.

I come out of my house. I meet my friend. We cross Tupolev street and go into the park. In the park we go towards Garnaev street. We cross Garnaev street. My school is straight ahead.

At 8 o'clock I come out of my home and go towards Luberetskaya street. I go along this street and cross Nizhegorodskaya street. Then I go along Lesnaya street towards the park. I cross Amet-Han-Sultan street and go into the park. In the park I go along a little lane. In the end of the lane I cross Garnaev street and go towards the school.

At 8 o'clock I go to school. I go towards a house number 3. I turn right and cross Komsomolsky street. I go towards the school.

Конкурс завершился

- Награждение


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- Участники


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- Итоги


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- Авиасалон, ОАО


- Галерея Арт-салон


- Газета "Городовой"


- Газета "ИНФОграмма"

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