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Литературный жанр

"My Native Town."

My Native Town.

Zhukovsky is my native town and 1 want to tell you about

it. Zhukovsky was founded in 1949 on the place of Stakhanov

settlement. The town was called in honour of the great Russian

scientist professor N.E.Zhukovsky. It was planned as a scientific

research centre of aviation. There are two large research

institutes: The Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute and the

Flight Research Institute. Aircraftsare tested there.

Gromov airfield is the largest in Europe. Now there is a

modem exhibition and business centre on its base. Every two

years the International Aerospace Salon takes place here,

Thousands of businessmen, scientists and specialists from

Europe and CIS come to Zhukovsky to take part in conferences,

seminars and discussions where they speak about the

development of aviation and space cooperation in the twenty

first century.

This salon is also a great aeroshow which attracts people

of different age and interests. It is an exciting show where pilots

perform unbelievable tricks. My parents and I visited this show

in 1999. I was greatly impressed by our civil air fleet, air force

and transport aircrafts. I was also very pleased to leam that our

Russian airlines such as Tupolev, Sukhoy, Mill, Ilyushin and

Mikoyan test their aircrafts in Zhukovsky.

I am proud of living in the town where even streets and

squares are named after cosmonauts, pilots and scientists who

devoted their lives to aviation: Gromov square, Gamaev Street,

Gagarin Street, Tupolev Street, Serov Street, Makarevsky Street,

Latskov Street, Amet-khan-Sultan Street etc. My school is

situated in Osipenko Street named to the memory of a woman-

pilot who was the first to perform a flight over the borders of the

former USSR on board a small plane known as "kukuruznik".

There is a monument to N.E. Zhukovsky in the centre of

our town in Lenin Square and a monument to V. Chkalov not far

from our school.

The population of our town is about 150 thousand people.

More than half of them used to work for aviation. My parents,

grandparents and great grandparents worked in the Central

Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute. My great grandfather was a

leading designer. He moved into Stakhanov Settlement from

Moscow in 1939. My father carried out static tests of aircrafts

and helicopters. He loved his work and was proud of it.

Unfortunately now because of the economic crisis he left his job

and misses it very much. My grandmother has been testing

aircrafts since 1952 and my grandfather has been working at

Sukhoy airline for 40 years already.

Zhukovsky is a very nice and green town with beautiful

lime-tree alleys and a wonderful park. There are a lot of trees,

bushes and flowers in the streets and in the yards of our town.

There are two theatres, a choir for children "Polet", a

ballet-studio and a dancing-studio. The pride of our town is the

symphony orchestra conducted by S.Skripka. My parents and I

like to go to these concerts. Very interesting musical and poetic

parties are held in the House of Scientists.

Zhukovsky is an educational centre. There are 14

secondary schools, an art school, a musical school, a chess club,

an aircraft modeling club and a centre of children's creation.

There are several colleges, technical schools and institutes in our

town. I like my native town and I am proud that I am a citizen

of Zhukovsky.

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