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Литературный жанр

"Our town is the centre of Russian aviationЕ"

Our town is the centre of Russian aviation. It was founded

on the place of a small village Stahanovo. The gates of our town is

theslaiion "Otdyh".

Our town was named in honour of a great Kussian scientist

N. Б. Zhukovsky. There is a monument to this scientist on the

central square of our town. He founded TSAGI - the biggest

scientific institute of aviation in Russia. Many scientists and

engineers work there.

There are many institutes and plants in our town. One of

them is LIT. It was founded by Gromov -a great Russian pilot.

One of the squares in our town was named in honour of this man.

Our city is good at industry.

The first Russian Avia Cosmo Salon was in 1992 at the end

of summer and at the beginning of autumn 1992. The 1st MAKS

was in 1993. MAKS pursues in our town ever)- 2 years. Many

people go there to watch airshows. I go there every 2 years.I like

to go there.because it's interesting to watch the planes.

I think that our town is a real centre of Russian aviation!

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- Газета "Городовой"


- Газета "ИНФОграмма"

 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru тел. (095) 211-24-20 факс. (095) 211-56-47

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