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Литературный жанр

"My impressions of MAKS"

My impressions of MAKS

MAKS... It's a great holiday for me! I always look forward to going there. It is so because I'm very mush interested in aviation. I go there to watch the planes, standing in exhibition, to look at the planes, which are performing aerobaties in the air, and just to have fun and relax a little.

I have visited MAKS (Moscow International Aerospace Salon) many tames, and every program of MAKS was interesting for me. I remember when I was a child, and visited MAKS for the first time, I was a little bit frightened, because of huge planes, standing in exhibition or flying. When the engines were roaring too loudly, I closed my ears with my hands. Now I don't close my ears because, I got used to everything.

I'd like to say also, that now I visit MAKS not only one time, but practically all the week. Even when few planes are flying, I visit MAKS in spite of it. It is because of the very interesting exhibition of planes. You can go and see what is inside of the plane.

I always took a lot of pictures there, and this year I even will take a video - camera with me!

At last I want to thank the organizers of this show. They made everything they could to please the people, who visit MAKS. I was so impressed every year, that I remember everything till the present moment. .

But for MAKS, my life, as l consider, would have been boring and uninteresting.

So, MAKS is the best holiday for me!

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