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Литературный жанр

"My Zhukovsky."

My Zhukovsky.

When our teacher told us that we were going to write a report about

Zhukovsky I was very glad that I had an opportunity to tell you some

words about the town where I live and study. I like my town very much

because it is very beautiful. The huge woods surround it from all sides

and it is situated on the bank of the Moscow river. I am very proud of my

town because many famous pilots trained and continue working and do

their best for the development of aviation.

In the 30-es the new airplanes were developed in our country. The old base

in Moscow couldn't afford to finance it. The solution about the

construction of the city therefore was accepted that is why it was decided to

built a town which would become the center of aviation and many people

would live and work there. The industrial houses, the buildings of institutes

and residential four-storeyed houses were step-by-step erected. This

settlement became a working settlement Stakhanovo. And in April 23 of

1947 the settlement received the status of the city and the title

"Zhukovsky". The town was named after N.E.Zhukovsky "father of

Russian aviation". There is a monument in his honor in the center of the town.

While walking in our city we can see many memorial boards of test-

pilots. Many streets are called after these test-pilots and there are

monuments to them.

Many people develop new airplanes in our town. As our town is the

center of aviation we must have such places where we can demonstrate

them. That is why MACS (International Avia-Cosmitic show)is held in

our town. I think that it is the main aviational event in our town because

there we can see the aviational attainment of science in our country.

Since the year of 1992 that show has been carried out in the city where

Russian and international airplanes are demonstrated on the flying field and thousands of people from Moscow and from some regions come to

watch that wonderful show. There we also can get into the airplane

where we can see many interesting things .Guides know a lot about the

airplanes and they can tell us many interesting facts about the definite

airplane and the purposes of its creation. I think that it is very necessary

for our town because that International Avia-Cosmitic show attracts

attention of people from many cities that is why people want to see our

town and to watch that show.

I think that my town is the center of aviation of our country and we all must be proud of it!

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