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Литературный жанр

"Once ?ur English teacher Elena Vladimirovna asked usЕ"

Once оur English teacher Elena Vladimirovna asked us to

write some words about our native town Zhukovsky and how it

is connected with aviation. So, I thought: what can 1 say about

it? And I found that there are a lot of remarkable things in our

town which can be interesting for everybody. So I begin.

Who didn't dream to be a pilot or a cosmonaut'.'' It is

wonderful to live in the town where everything is connected

with aviation.

My native town Zhukovsk-y was founded in 1947, Before it

this place was occupied by the village Kolonets, which was

founded in the previous centun. then, atter the revolution it was

renamed in village Stakhanovo. Now there is the greal elm in

our town, which reminds us about that times,

Our town was named after Nikolay Egorovitch Zhukovsky,

Father of Russian aviation- 'there is a monument to him in the

center of the town. Zhukovsky lies in the very beautiful place.

Zhukovsk'y was founded to become one of the great scientific


Zhukovsky is a greatest center of Russian aviation. There are

three unique institutions there. They are TSAGI (Central

Aerohydrodinamic institute). 1.11 (Flight Research Institute) and

NI1P (Scientific Research Institute of technologies) and some

other organizations connected with aviation. New models of

planes are built and tested in TSA01 and new airplanes are

"taught" to fly in LR. To test new airplanes 1.11 built an unique

air field, which is the longest in Europe.

Our town is also the center of technical education. We have

many schools with special attention to aviation- one of them is

aero cosmonautic special school, which prepares children to

enter special institutes. There are also aviation colleges, the

Aviation Institute and Physical Technical Institute which have

the faculty of aerohydrodmamic and Hying technique in our

town. Students study a lot of very important and useful subjects

to become specialists in aviation and cosmonautic. It is natural,

that every boy wants to deal with planes, helicopters, and

cosmonautics, 1 told you about it at the beginning of my story.

A lot of famous pilots and cosmonauts such as Gagarin.

Gamaev. Lcvchcnko worked and trained there and try to do

their best for the development of Russian aviation. That is why

many streets in have their names, there are memorial desks on

the houses where famous pilots lived. There is "An Alley of

Glory" near in the center of the town, which is consisted of

beautiful blue spruces- which was founded by the cosmonauts

when they returned from the space. There arc some monuments

dedicated the people- whose meaning is important not for only

Russian aviation but for all countries- such as Tchkalov.

Zhukovsky (as I told) and others in our town.

To show new technologies, and new models of the planes

cverv two vears MACS (Tntemational Air Cosmonaulic Show)

is held in Zhukovsky, I have always wanted to go there, and

once mv dreams came true.

I went to the flying field by bus. When I went out from the

bus I saw a very big field. There were a lot of Russian airplanes

such as SU-27- SU-37. MIO-29 and some airplanes from other

countries. There was also a great space ship "Buran" and its

beaver "Mria" and new systems of aero-defense.

hen 1 sal down in the place of a pilot in the airplane SU-27

I thought how much a pilot must know to fly on this airplane.

Then 1 went to different pavilions where many organizations

from all over the world advertised new technologies and their

production. During my walking ше demonstrative flights began.

When airplanes made such amazing and outstanding things that

I felt great proud that 1 lived in such a remarkable and unique

town- And I thought that we must respect all the people who live

in our town- who work there- and who made such wonderful

machines and airplanes.

I think that every town in the world is beautiful. But for me

and for all the people around me, for my friends our native town

/hukovskv is the best place in the world. I wish it to be the

center of technologies, the center of the aviation- because

aviation and cosmonautics are the sciences of the future

Somcwhen- I think- people will go to the far stars and I believe

thai our town will play the great part in this process, I hope

everybody in our to\\n will do everything to make it true.

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