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Литературный жанр



Once on our English lesson we were given a task to write a composition with

such a topic as "Zhukovsky". For the first time we were not interested in it but in a

few days all of us were speaking about our unusual task. So one evening I sat

down began to write a composition you are reading now.

S'rof. Zhukovsky Memorial Valery Chkalov Memorial

First I would like to give you general information about our town. So

Zhukovsky is situated in the green zone of Moscow region because it is surrounded

by mixed forest. And once it was called a Green town. Only in 1932 it was a

settlement and now it is such a developed town. There are no big plants or factories

but here you can find a lot of research institutes connected with aviation.

Zhukovsky is an educational center there are 14 schools I think that it is a big

number for such a small town. Besides we have some technical schools and some

institutes. There is a tradition among students to hang a propeller on the monument

to the plane in the center of the town when they pass their exams. Most of the monuments in the town are for people whose life was connected with aviation. The

most famous of them is the monument to Zhukovsky the father of Russian


Today our town is famous all over the

world because of its air-shows. Lots of

companies and firms take part in this event.

Thousands of people from many cities of

Russian and foreign countries come to see

the newest achievements in aviation.

Visitors can see different kind of planes and

helicopters meet with their engineers,

designers and pilots.

The most wonderful are the unique

flights of the best Russian pilots who

show aerobatics. It is really an

unforgettable sight. That is not all that

you can tmd there so I advise you to visit

it yourself to see the other things.

Of course air-shows play a big role for the development of our town and our aviation.

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 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru тел. (095) 211-24-20 факс. (095) 211-56-47

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