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Литературный жанр

"I'm very glad to telt you some words about my native townЕ"

I'm very glad to telt you some words about my native town. Tts name is

Zhukovsky. I like my town very much and I'm proud of it. It was founded in 1947

and has been considered to be one of the greatest scientific centres, a major centre of

Russian aviation, where everything is connected with aviation and works for it- The

town was named after Mihail Egorovich Zhukovsky, father of the Russian aviation. A

lot of famous pilots trained and did their best for the development of aviation. My

mother, my father, my grandmother and my grandfather worked and are still working

on aviation. Many models of aeroplanes were made designed and were tested in our

town- And now we have a chance to see all these models and aeroplanes during


MAKS International Aviation Cosmonaiitic Saloon, is held here every two

years in summer. It's an exhibition of aviation technique, during which a lot of

aeroplanes make difficult evolutions.

One summer 1 sat near the window. In the window 3 could see LI1 - Flight

Research Institute after Mihail Gromov. I saw an aeroplane in the blue sky. It was

making evolutions, and it was preparing for MAKS. I liked to watch that aeroplane in

fly and I wanted to know more about that aeroplane and about the evolution it was

making. I called my father - he works in Central Aero-Hydro Dynamic Institute. And

I asked him to telt me some words about that aeroplane. And this is his story.

This is Su-27, designed by Design Burro after P. 0. Suhoi. Su-27 made in 1981

Ihe first its fly. It is a very good aeroplane. The evolution it is making,

was made by the test pilot V. G. Pugachev for the first time in the world- That

evolution was called "Pugachev's Snake '\ after V. G. Pugachev. When the

aeroplane makes this evolution, it flies horizontally, then suddenly stops, takes a

vertical position and then begins flying again. This evolution shows the high

manoeuvrability of the aeroplane and it helps the aeroplane in war- Only Russian

aeroplanes by Design Burro after P. 0. Suhoi have been able to make this evolution.

The show of Su-27 and its abilities in Paris in 1989 was a success. I asked my father

to tell me some more facts from the history of Russian aeroplanes. He said that not

only Su-27 was known all over the world. There were some more very good fighters,

that were a success on different Avia-Saloons in different countries.

The second Russian fighter, shown on Avia-Saloon, was MIG-29. The

aeroplane was piloted by the test pilot Kvochur, Fxcellent results of those aeroplanes

were unexpected for the American delegation. They did not expect such good results

from OUT fighters- Americans had to train more hard not to be inferior to Russian


This year at the end of summer MAKS will be held- Again I have heard about

aeroplanes a little, 1 have seen onty few of them in fly- So 1 with my parents will visit

MACS this year. During this exhibition, I hope, we may come near the aeroplanes and

go inside them. And there will be the show of different aeroplanes and their abilities

and the skill of the pilots. I think, that Su-27 will take part in everything, and it will

make " Pugachev's Snake".

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