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Литературный жанр

"I would like to tell some facts about the townЕ"

I would like to tell some facts about the town where I have been living

for 13 years and which I am very proud of. Zhukovsky is a young city. At

the end of April we shall celebrate its 54'th anniversary. In 1947 it was

decided to join two villages: the village ofStahanov and Kolonetz and to

turn them into a town. The town was cold Zhukovsky after Nikolai

Rgorovich Zhukovsky, the father of the Russian aviation. There is a

monument to him in the centre of the town.

Zhukovsky is conveniently situated not far from Moscow Just forty

miles away. The station of Otdykh ( Moscow Kazan Rail) is the gate -

way to the town. Zhykovsky is a green town. There are a lot of parks,

alleys, forests. The natural surroundings are so remarkable that when

walking in the wood or sitting on the bank of the river you don't feel like

returning to the busy life of the central part of the city. Zhukovsky is

considered to be one of the greatest scientific centres, a major centre of

Russian aviation where everything is connected with avialion and works

for it.

Famous pilots Gagarin , Levchenko. Fedotov, Chcalov worked there.

These pilots trained and some of them continue working and do the best

for the development of aviation. Thats why many streets have their name,

the houses where they lived have memorial bourds and there are

monuments to these people in streets of our town. There are two great

scientific institutes: Central Aero - Hydrodynamic Institute and flight

research Institute. Since 1954 many experiments for the experiments for

the exploration ofAerospace including work for preparation for

Gagarin's first flight have been held in LII. LII has a long history. This

institute was founded in March 8 1941 and its first head became a famous

pilot, the I lero of the Soviet Union, Michael Gromov. Not far from LII

there was a village ofStahanov where the majority of the residents

worked for this institute. During the Great Patriotic War 1,11 worked for

the country over the fasciest Germany. Since then the institute has been

contributing the development of aviation in our coutry. And LII has done

a lot for holding Aero - Cosmic Salons.

The first one was held in 1996 and since then it has been attracting

thousands of visitors and spesialists from all over the world- In 1999 the

forth M.A.C.S., was held and my grandfather took part in it. He made

different drafts for the exhibition of N.I.I.A.0. stand and he was awarded

and given the medal of "The Veteran of the cosmonauts of Russia." I

visited this M.A.C-S., saw my grandfather's drafts and was very proud of

him. I even had a photo taken with my grandfather near his stand. In two

last days of the Salon I enjoyed watching the show- flight of the planes-

helicopters and ballons. It was a real holiday for me because Salon had a

warm and friendly atmosphere. This year year the firth M.A.C.S. will be

held. I am looking forward to visiting it and again to be able to feel its

atmosphere \o watch different exhibitions, to meet different people. There

were a lot of stalls with ice-cream and tasty things, the music was heard

everything and everybody was in high spirits.

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