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Литературный жанр

"One day on the English lesson our teacher gave us a task toЕ"

One day on the English lesson our teacher gave us a task to

write about our town . So I went to the library and took there

some books about it. Having read them I understood that that

report was worth writing.

And I am very to be given an opportunity to tell you some words

about the town where I live and study.

Its name is Zhukovsky. I like this town very much and I am

very proud of it. The place where it lies is very beautiful; thick

woods surround it, picturesque lakes, the Moskva river and some

small rivers run near by.

At first our town was the settlement oj Stakchanovo. But in

1947 it became a town and since that time has been considered to

he one of the greatest scientific centre, the main centre of Russian

aviation where everything is connected with aviation and works

for it .The town was named after N. E. Zhukovsky - father of

Russian aviation. There is a monument to him in the centre of our


There are two great scientific institutes here: "TsAGE"

(Central Aero Hydro-Dynamic Institute) and "LII" (Flight

Research Institute) after Michael Gromov - the first heard of

"UI'\ legendary pilot and professor. There are a lot of other

institutes and Aviation Technical schools in Zhukovsky.

Famous pilots; Gagarin, Levchenko, Volk, Chkalov,

Fedotov, Gamaev, Tresviatsky and many others trained here and

some of them continue working and do their best for the

development of aviation. That is why many streets have their

names, the houses where they lived have memorial boards. And

there are monuments to these courageous people in streets of our


Zhukovsky is very young but it is well-known all over the

country and the world. This fame is connected with the aviation

science and technique and of course with "Mos Aaero

Show"(MAKS) witch is held every two years and attracts the

attention of a great number of people. They come to "Mos Aero

Show " to watch new models of airplanes and the acrobatics flight

manoeuvre making by them, to learn more about modem

technique, about scientific progress in aviation.

So "Mos Aero Show " is a stable resource for our town's

development: with its help our town becomes an important

educational centre.

That is why I am sure thai Zhukovsky has an outstanding


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 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru тел. (095) 211-24-20 факс. (095) 211-56-47

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