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Литературный жанр

"Zhukovsky is the motherland of MAKS."

Zhukovsky-motherland ofMAKS.

Speaking about present world I can say that it develops with high speed. People

invent new technologies, which are used in different fields of our life. The life

nowadays has become comfortable. You needn't spend much time to travel

from one side of the world to another; you needn't much time to cook because

different clever machines can do it instead of you. You needn't keep much

information in your head because your computer can give you all sorts of

information you need. Many important things are invented every day all over

the world but we don't know about them. There are many ways to tell about

invitations and their advantages. One of the best ways to my mind is exhibition.

Usually they have definite subject and last for a week. It's possible to give to

many people who are interested in such exhibition all the important information.

If you ask present young generation of our town what shows or exhibitions are

the most popular among them they will all answer: "MAKS". I think that the

place ofMAKS was chosen in a proper way. Zhukovsky is the town of

Aviation. From its birth to present moment scientists of our town have

developed aviation. Every part of Zhukovsky is connected with planes and

flights. We can't fail to mention about aviational research institute witch also

work in our town. All these facts show that Zhukovsky is the best place for

holding such exhibitions. Every two years in the middle of August MAKS is

held on the territory of Flying Research Institute. I can proudly say that it is an

international exhibition because representatives from many countries all over

the world come here. You can see invitations of firms with world names and

not so famous from Germany, France, Italy, Russian, We Ukraine and many

others. But not only high technologies are shown on MAKS. Also highly

qualified pilots show their skills in flying modern models of planes parachutists

fly in the sky like magic birds if you are interested in scientific and technical

achievements you can visit exhibition halls and speak to representatives of

different firms. I can say that not only specialists of aviation come to MAKS.

Many people all over Moscow region come to visit it too. People like to look at

flights of modem airplanes such as "Buran", "Suhoi" planes and helicopters

which are exhibited not far from the flying field. People usually make pictures

near these gigantic steel birds. So every two years great event comes to our

town. I am very proud of such honor to be small part of my town, town of

aviation, the center of World Air Space Show which is one of the most amazing

things I have ever seen. I was on 4 MAKS and nowadays Т remember them all.

MAKS is the Future of Town Zhukovsky!

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 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru тел. (095) 211-24-20 факс. (095) 211-56-47

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