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Литературный жанр

"Zhukovsky is the Centre of Aviation"

Zh u kovs ky-

the Centre of Aviation

I live in Zhukovsky. I like my town .1 am proud of it. In

April, 1997 Zhukovsky celebrated its 50-th anniversary. In the

anniversary year the emblem of the town was authorized. Three

contours of supersonic planes are represented on it.

The town is young, but it is well known in the country and in

the world. The popularity of Zhukovsky is connected to intellectual

potential, to aviation science and technique and to international

aerospace salons.

Zhukovsky is "naukograd" (the town of science), where

aviation technique is developed and flight tested. The intellectual

resources comparable with resources of the whole region are

concentrated in Zhukovsky. It is the unique town where there are at

once two state scientific centers - the Central Aero - Hydrodynamic

Institute and the Flight Research Institute. They were founded

earlier than the town has received its status. In Spring of this year

the Flight Research Institute marks the 60-th anniversary. On the 8-

th of March sixty years ago it was founded on the basis of the

Central Aero-Hydrodinamic Institute. M. Gromov the Hero of the

Soviet Union became the first leader of the new establishment.

hi Spring the disturbing headlines have appeared on the

pages of the urban newspaper "Zhukovskie Vesti": " Be Afraid

of Silence on the Aerodrome"," Flight Research Institute Has

Exchanged Seventh Ten". The pilots say: "We have lived to our

jubilee and what is farther?" Scientists, engineers, technicians,

workers of the Flight Research Institute should be constantly

required because "the loss of wings is equivalent to the loss of

freedom" - as Igor Sikorsky the outstanding aviadesigner spoke.

Nowadays the Flight Research Institute remains to be the

important scientific research Institute of Aerospace industry. The

biggest aerodrome in Europe is situated on its territory. It is known

under the name the airport "Ramenskoe". In the beginning it was

intended only for the flight tests. The citizens of Zhukovsky

frequently awaked from noise of working engines. Now it becomes

to be more and more airport of multifunctional assignment, m 2000

freight traffic brought 60 millions rubles of the profit.

Zhukovsky is a base for maintenance first respond on a line of

the Ministry on Extreme situations.

Zhukovsky is the centre of aerospace salons of international

class. Modem expocentre and business centre are created on the

base of aerodrome of the Flight Research Institute.

Well known annually alternating aerospace exhibitions in

Famboro (England) and in La Bourge (France) have been

replenished with international aerospace salons carried out each two

years since 1993 in Zhukovsky. They took place in 1993, 1995,

1997, 1999 years.

The image of the town, as a place of realization of aerospace

salons requires additional efforts to correspond to the world

standards in this sphere of activity. We see how our motorways are

improved and new lawns appear along them. We feel joyful

expectation of the great beautiful festival and are glad to welcome

the guests.

Aerospace salon is the huge specialized fair. 350 avia and space

firms from 24 countries took part in the salon 1997. International

conferences and seminars with discussion of prospects and problems

of aviation of XXI century were carried out on the salon 1999.

Aerospace salon must be considered as powerful and steady

resource for urban development, it can become one of the starting

points of the town growth.

Aerospace salon is the largest aeroshow in the world, which

attracts people of different age and interests. I visited the aeroshow

1999. Heavy cargo planes, civil aviation planes, fighters, light and

sport planes and helicopters took off one after another. I liked the

best the flights of flight groups, such as "Strizi" and ""Vityazi". I

was happy, I was proud of the pilots from my town.

The population of our town is about 150 thousand people. The

roots of almost every family of Zhukovsky are bound up with

aviation. My great grandfather built one of the first sailplanes in the

Crimea in the beginning of the twentieth century, my grandfather

was the chief aviadesigner, my parents graduated from the Moscow

Aviation Institute and worked as engineers in Zhukovsky until the

economic crisis. Now they left their job and work in Moscow.

Zhukovsky must revive and remain to be the centre of aviation of

our country. I hope that aerospace salons will help to realize it.

Many streets of our town are named in honour of the famous

aviadesigners, cosmonauts and pilots. There is a monument to N.E.

Zukovsky in the center of our town. The monument to V.P.

Chkalow is in the beginning of one of the main streets. I live in the

street named after A.K-Serov. I think, that it is very important to

each of us to know as it is possible in more details the life and

activity of those heroes in memory of which our streets are named.

In aviation A.Serov got with the Komsomol pass in 1929. In

1937 he was at war in the sky of Spain. The squadron of A. Serov

brought down more than 70 planes of the enemy. His nickname was

hurricane. In one of fights he had to battle one against 13 planes. He

brought down 5 of them. "Always to be in attack" - was his motto.

Two awards of the Red Banner, the rank of the Hero of the Soviet

Union, the rank of the colonel at once after a rank of the first

lieutenant received then A.Serov.

In the family of Anatoly his father the mountain foreman on

the mine tried to bring up in his sons endurance, courage and

independence. Once Anatoly even tried to run to America to battle

in lines of Indians.

In 1939 A.Serov was lost tragically in a training flight. We

must never foreet our heroes.

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