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Литературный жанр

"Zhukovsky is the city whichЕ"

Zhukovsky is the city which leads in the field of Russian

aviation constructing.

The city is situated in 40 km to south-east of Moscow( station

Otdih),it occupies space among Riasan's railroad direction and

the Moscow-river.

A new city settled down not far away from very famous

suburban territories, some of them became the part of the city. In

settlement Kratovo(before revolution-Prozorovsky)

before The First World War first city-garden in Russia had been

built by project of great architect V.N.Semenov, who worked in

England with A.Govard. Govard was the author of idea of

making a city-garden which, as he thought, was to change old

dirty cities, which were not comfortable to live in.

If we want to compare Zhukovsky with other cities -

Zhukovsky is like a satellite of the capital. Its factories and

establishments are organical part ofmoscow complexes. There is

situated Hydro-dynamic institute of Zhukovsky, experience-

constructing offices of airplane construction, faculty of

aeromechanics and flying machines of Moscow physics-

mechanical institute , machine-building factory. Active building

called to life industry of construct materials. Zhuckovsky, the

typical center SIECD(scientific investigations and experience-

constructing develops), by its profile takes one of the main cities

in Moscow Region.

The city was constantly and very quickly growing. Its

citymaking base made the city's territory grew, not stopping, and

Zhukovsky is growing now close by the airport Bickovo and city

Ramenskoe. The city threatens to destroy it's neighbour -

summer cottages. Zhukovsky isn't a quite neighbour, its airplanes

make the shaking and their engines do a lot of noise.

Everything in Zhukovsky looks solid. The city is green,

comfortable, with very good developed net of service

establishments. There are a lot of different types of buildings

from different periods - from houses of period "gala" architectur

to modem towers expositions, which are made of many blocks.

The city has lost its secrets.

Till last year the achievements of Russian aviation were

shrouded in mystery. This secrecy caused wild speculation even

the suspicion that the Russians were lagging far behind the West.

The aviation and aerospace salon - Mosaeroshow 97 and 99 lifted

the lid on Russian aviation and aerospace secrets and suddenly

showed the world that the Russians have advanced modem

aviation and aeronautic technology. The world looked with

astonishment at the Mig-29 Jet-fighter and the Su-27 that have surpassed their western counterparts.

And as for me, I'm proud of my city. I want Zhukovsky to grow

up and to become a prosperous city. Zhukovsky is an

ecologically clean city, not polluted by harmful substances. And

of course I am looking forward to visit Mosaeroshow 2001 year.

And I sincerely wish success to the organizers of this great

show,because I'm a citizen of Zhukovsky.

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- Газета "ИНФОграмма"

 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru тел. (095) 211-24-20 факс. (095) 211-56-47

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