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"Zhukovsky Welcomes MAKS-2001"

Zhukovsky Welcomes MAKS-2001

The town of Zhukovsky welcomes the 5th International Aerospace Salon - MAKS-2001.Our town named in the honour of Professor Zhukovsky, the 'Father of Russian Aviation', rightfully considered to be the centre of

aviation science and engineering. Zhukovsky one of the most beautiful towns in Moscow suburbs. Everything here is connected with aviation. Main Russian aviation enterprises are located here: the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) and Gromov Flight Research Institute (LI!), Test Pilot School, as well as test sites of the most prominent research-and-design bureaux, ets. Tens of thousands of Zhukovsky inhabitants, who have cast their lot with aviation, work here. The

streets of Zhukovsky are named in honour of celebrated pilots, cosmonauts,

scientists and aircraft disigners; Chkalov, Gagarin, Amet-khan-Sultan,

Levchenro, Gamayev, Keldish, Tupolev,Korolyov, Tsiolkovsky and many

others are glorious pages in the history of Russia.

MAKS-2001 will be held in August 14-21 at the Zhukovsky Flight Test Center

- LII named after famous Russian test pilot Michael Gromov. MAKS-2001 is an event that goes far beyond national borders. This much-anticipated event will be gathering point for Russian and foreign companies serious about doing business in the aviation, space and defence sectors. Aerospace exhibitions were re-established in Russia in autumn of 1992, when the first Russian air show of the post-Soviet period, Mosaeroshow-92, was held.

According to the special literature 203 Russian and foreign company exhibitors and 114 aircraft were exhibited. The total number of public visitors reached an estimated 300,000.

Another show was organized the following year. With this event assuming the MAKS name and identity. A total of 178 Russian and 82 Western companies took part in MAKS-93. The number of public visitors increased to 430,000. After MAKS-93 it became clear the show needed to be centralized at a single location. The matter was settled by a goverment decree that designated the Gromov Flight Research Institute as the show's permament site. In addition, it was determined that MAKS would be held biennially on odd-numbered years. The next air show, MAKS-95 proved the strategy to be right. The merging of exhibits and events at one location enhanced service greatly. The MAKS organizing committee and administration took many steps to enhance the exhibition's infrastucture.

MAKS-97 and MAKS-99 show that the phase of famiHzation by Russian and

Western companies had passed, and was replaced by more concrete business results including joint projects and commercial agreements in the Russian market.

Russia traditionally has been a leader in the production and operation of military aircraft. Russian-built fighters, bombers, airlifters, helicopters are well known around the world. Technical capabilities

inherited from the former Soviet Union have enabled Russia to maintain its leadership in many military aviation. There is now better example than evolution of Sukhoi's Su-27 tactical aircraft family. Sukhoi's Su-27 tactical aircraft family has scored export successes and continues to amaze the world's aircraft specialists with operational capabilities. The Sukhoi Su-37 with thrust vectoring at MAKS-97 has received praise from even most critical industry experts who have seen the aircraft's fight demonstrations first-hand at international air show. Now Su-30MKI is exported to India and Su-ЗОМКК - to China. The fantastic flight of aircraft with reverse arrow-shaped C-37 was

shown at MAKS-99.

The lighter-weight and highly capable Mikoyan MiG-29 has gained a well-

deserved reputation one of the most rugged front-line tactical fighter aircraft of the nineties. This aircraft is on operational-ready status in the inventories of air forces on several continents.

Russian aircraft can be operated all around the world in environments that range from freezing Artic cold to the hot-and-high tropics- In addition, Russian military aircraft are unmatched in their cost efficiency, making them well suited for military forces big or small. Industry changes during the past years included a restructuring of Russia's military aircraft manufactures. This enables them to

better meet the challenges of today's hotly contested international marketplace.

Russia is a large potential markets for the lease and sale of civil aircraft. During the next 5-10 years there will be demand for some 1,500 jet transports with seating capacities of 100 seats or more. The growth in Russian air traffic is a good sign for Russian air transport industry. Stronger passanger volume, especially on international routes, confirms that the major douwtum in passenger volume experienced during 1990s has passed. Russian aircraft manufacturers are searching ways to work efficiently in new market environment, and this is opening many cooperative opportunities for Western companies. Hyushin has achieved full-scale development of its I1-96M - the first

Russian long-haul transport equipped by US avionics and powered by US

engines. Disigned to meet international certification standards, the I1-96M was developed by Ilyushin-led team that includes some Russian manufacturies and America's Pratt & Whitney and Collins Commercial Avionics.

Another major Russian civil aircraft program is the medium-range Tupolev Tu-204 family of the passenger twing-jets. Several large contracts were inked for delivery of this aircraft.

At MAKS Western built aircraft were presented on the static display line and in flight demonstrations included Dassault Falcon business jet. Airbus

Industrie's A321 Single -aisle transport and McDonell Douglas DC-10-30

wide body.

In addition to providing a fantastic show for spectators, each MAKS flight demonstration program is a unique oppotunity for aircraft manufacturers to demonstrate the performance and advantages of their products. For potential customers, it is an equally good occasion to have a first-hand impression of an aircraft's true capabilities.

Flight displays are always a treat. And they are even more impressive when built around the showcase demonstrations of Russian aircraft. Rassian rotary and fixed wing aircraft have demonstrated their unmatched capabilities around the world, but it is on their home turf where they can be seen at their flying best.

Only at MAKS can nearly all modem Russian aircraft be seen in their true nvironment, including unique operations such as acrobatic team displays, group in-flight refueling, crew emergency operations, fire fighting simulations, ski jump take-off, ets.

A growing number of companies understand the advantages of direct

demonstrations of their aircraft in front of potential customers.

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