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Литературный жанр

"Our native town Zhukovsky"

Our native town Zhukovsky is known not only in Russia, but all over the

world as a center of the leading aviation technology and science. This young and beautiful town traces its history to 1947 when the settlement Stahanovo, situated on this place, was

renamed Zhukovsky.

On the central square in the middle of the town there is the

monument to the great scientist N.Zhukovsky. At the pedestal of

this monument there is a stone on which his wise words are graven.

They claim: "The man will fly using not the strength of his muscles but

the power of his mind ". And these words are proved by facts. Due to

the cleverness and talent of the citizens of our town - outstanding

test pilots and aviation engineers - most of the world famous military

exterminators, redoubtable bombers and comfortable civil airliners made their first flight from the Gromov Flight Research Institute airfield. And so FRI became the center where International Aerospace Show in Russia is held.

The International Aerospace Show, known by its Russian acronym 'MAKS', is a rightful occupant of a leading position in the ratings of major world aviation fora. The very idea of the MAKS lies in demonstrating Russian high technologies and domestic market openness to joint ventures with the use of foreign partners' cutting-edge advances

The MAKS show is held under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the

Russian Federation, being traditionally opened by the Russian president.

This is the warranty of superior organization and authoritative participants.

During the show, top civil servants are open for business contacts. For all those engaged in aerospace business the air show is a unique opportunity to get the first-hand information on the standpoints of decision-makers whose position can have an impact on key issues of developing and selling aircraft and their weapons, as well as on cooperation in these fields.

The MAKS provides participants with the most comprehensive

understanding of the Russian aerospace industry's priorities and advances. It's the only place where one could see aircraft and weapons system prototypes as well as experimental systems that cannot be shown abroad due to some reasons.

The MAKS provides experts and businessmen a rare opportunity to

establish contacts at various levels, further development of R&D and

production cooperation and search for new business partners. The role the MAKS plays as a generator of new alliances and promising concepts has been recognized worldwide.

High on the MAKS agenda are scientific conferences and symposia held

under the auspices of the Russian national research center - TsAGI. The

events enable scientists and experts to trade their idea concerning topical aerospace issues of the present and past.

The MAKS international aerospace show dates back officially to 1992.

However, it could be rightfully called a successor to both the first Russian international aircraft exhibition held in 1911 at the Mikhailovsky Manezh (St. Petersburg) and the air parades in the skies above the Red Square and aviation celebrations in Tushino. During the distant 1930s, the aviation enjoyed immense popularity, with such occasions attracting people in dozens of thousands. Their substantial flaw lied in the unavailability of static aircraft demonstration.

Every year at the Day of the Air Fleet of USSR (the 18^of August) the aviation show was held in Zhukovsky. The demonstration flights with the participation of the famous pilots were held above the beach of the

Moscow river on these days. These shows transferred into the town aviation exhibitions.

Entering a new era, Russia prompted the need in new ways to

demonstrate the national aerospace industry potential. So, 1992 saw the

governmental resolution on the Gromov Flight Research

Institute airfield hosting a dedicated exhibition dubbed

Mosaeroshow'92. The keen interest shown to it by both Russian and foreign companies, experts and businessmen added momentum to this undertaking. As a result, the Russian president authorized holding the exhibition on a regular basis and granting it the status of an international aerospace show. Thus, the MAKS came into being.

Since that time four aerospace shows has been hold (in the 1993/95/97

and '99.

Numbers prove the significant growth of me scale of MAKS aerospace


Each of the MAKS air shows held would unveil for experts the Russian

aerospace industry's latest developments - prospective airplanes and

helicopters, rockets, missile and scientific advances. Moreover, on each of these aerospace shows everyone wishing could see the unique samples of military and civil aviation. The attention of visitors was attracted by such aircraft as "KA 50","AN 70", "BE I 200" "SU 37" and others.

On each of the shows everyone can visit any of numerous pavilions in each of them the interesting expositions of different firms are held They include video films, magazines, advertisement and interesting

information, scale-models of aircraft and different units. Anyone, who had any questions, could get the necessary information from the specialists.

The MAKS rightfully enjoys the title of the major scientific forum. An excellent reputation of Russian scientific centres, such as TsAGI,

Gromov LIT, VIAM, TsIAM, GosNIIAS, attracts superstars - the world's authoritative scientists and experts - to the scientific

conferences and symposia held during the international aerospace show.

For the first time in 1999, beside the scientific problems discussed at the "New Aviation Technologies in the 21st century" symposium, the MAKS

air show dealt with economic issues discussed at the seminar "Business in Russia, Technology Transfer, and New Aspects of International

Cooperation". The trends of aerospace technologies of the 21st

century are determined here. Close proximity to world famous scientific

centers enables MAKS guests to familiarize themselves with the latest

achievements of Russian science. This makes the show a real fair of ideas and challenging decisions in the air and space field

The MAKS greatly invigorates international scientific cooperation. All

the past shows featured the formation of long-term programs and business deals.

One of the most interesting affairs, especially for the tourists and people, who are not concerned with science is, by all means "aviashow"- demonstration flights. They are done by the best pilots who work in

FRI. All the spectaculars admire their braveness and skill. A lot of very famous pilots such as Gamayev, Amet-han, Gudkov, Bogorodsky, Danilenko.-.etc.

lived and worked in our town and died effecting their heroic job. Some of the streets in our town are named after these pilots.

Our heart fades with pleasure when we watch the gorgeous steering in the sunny and bright-blue summer sky of Zhukovsky, many boys want to become test pilots.

Demonstration flights is not just a magnificent view but also a unique opportunity for manufacturers to show the strengths of their

aircraft while for potential customers it is a chance to see the announced characteristics with their own eyes. More and more foreign companies realize the advantages of direct aircraft demonstration to

potential customers in Russia Only during the MAKS air show one can see

literally all advanced Russian aircraft in flight, including unique techniques of their application, such as team aerobatics, in-flight refueling, ejection seat operation, fire fighting, ramp-assisted take-off, etc. Only during the MAKS one can have a look at various flying test-beds. During the MAKS'99 106 aircraft made 490 demonstration flights.

Foreign and non-resident participants in the MAKS air show and its visitors have a rare opportunity to see the sights of Moscow and its


The Bolshoi Theatre and unique collections of Moscow museums, the amazing Kremlin ensemble, the Trinity and Sergiy Monastery, the renovated historical center of Moscow, hospitable restaurants and night clubs of the city are ready to meet various and exclusive tastes.

At the MAKS air show you will be able to buy souvenirs from different regions of Russia MAKS is not only the aerospace show, but also a great holiday for all it's visitors. The sun is shining, the flags of different countries from all over the world flutter in the air, bright air-balloons hang in the sky.

We all are very proud of living in the town of aviation science which is the center where the International Aerospace Show is held and we want our native country to remain on the leading place in the world science and technology. I am sure that every future aeroshow will contribute it!

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