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Литературный жанр



I'd like to tell you about my native town. I Uve in Zhukovsky. My town

is not very large and it is not very old. It was founded at the beginning of the

XX century by Nickolas fon Mekk. He planned to construct the town for the

railway workers. But the construction was interrupted first by the war and then

by the revolution.

Some years later the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute was transferred

to this town from Moscow. And a small town was named after the "father of

Russian aviation" Zhukovsky.

Zhukovsky is a beautiful town. Its streets are not very wide, but they are

green. In the center of the town°you can see a "White House". From this point

the traditional aviation festival starts. Near the "White House" there is a fir-tree

alley, which was planned by cosmonauts. If you walk along this alley, you'll go

to the Palace of Culture and in front of it there is a monument to the famous

Russian aviator Nikolay Zhukovsky.

We leave near the suburbs of this town and we often go for a walk to the

ancient park in Bykovo. There is a beautiful Palace in the park. It was designed

by Bazhenov, a famous Russian architector. Near it you can see a church. It

was also designed by Bazhenov.

There is a railway for children in our town. It's one of the first railways

in the country.

In 1992 in Zhukovsky for the first time in Russia a grandiose aviation

show called "Moscow Aeroshow-92" was held. At the show 196 home and 83

foreign firms exhibited their remarkable production. .From now on every odd

year starting from 1993 an international aviacosmic show is held in Zhukovsky.

Конкурс завершился

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- Авиасалон, ОАО


- Галерея Арт-салон


- Газета "Городовой"


- Газета "ИНФОграмма"

 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru тел. (095) 211-24-20 факс. (095) 211-56-47

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