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Литературный жанр

"О Жуковском"

About Zhurovsky.

I live in Zhukovsky. It is situated in the Moscow region. There are

many forests around our town and Moscow-river. Zhukovsky is 52 years

old. It is famous for its international aerospace exhibition. It is held every

year. Many streets are named after famous pilots and the town itself was

named after N.E. Zhukovsky - the greatest Russian scientist. There are

two big institute here - the flight research Institute and ZAGY. There is

also a military airdrome and an airdrome Bykovo. At the military

airdrome the pilots train themselves and prepare planes for the flights.

Our town now has grown up. Many new houses have been built. The

ecology has become worse because many new cars appeared in the streets

of our town. But we hope it will become better and cleaner in the nearest

future. We love our town. We study here, we have many good friends

here. We are proud of Zhukovsky.

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 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru тел. (095) 211-24-20 факс. (095) 211-56-47

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