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Литературный жанр

"О Жуковском"


About Zhukoushy-

Our town is rather young-

It's only 54 years old- This

town is Moskow's sputnik.Many

years ago there was a uillage

Stakhanouo on that place. In

1947 in was renamed in Zhukou-

sky in honow of the Russian

scientist M.E-Zhukousky.

Our town is young and beau

tiful-Many wonderful people li

ue and work here-Many streets

are named after well- Known pi

lots.Everything in this town

is connected with the air and

planes-Gagarin's friends liue

here,also friends of Garnajeu

and Latskou-We are proud of

these people-They became a le-

gend-They liued and worked in

our town. Zhukousky is a green

town.We can call it a garden,

as there are many parks and

beautiful squares in it-I want

it to become more beautiful.

We must not only admire our

town,we must live and work for

it and for our Motherland.

We'll take our knowledge, our

friendship to the future-

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 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru тел. (095) 211-24-20 факс. (095) 211-56-47

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