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FSUE "OSPE "Technologiya", SSC RF<< Participants MAKS <<  www.MAKS.ru

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FSUE "OSPE "Technologiya", SSC RF

1. Full name under the charter:

Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Obninsk Science-Production Enterprise "Technologiya", State Research Centre of Russian Federation"

2. The abbreviated name under the charter:


FSUE "OSPE "Technologiya"", SSC RF

3. Pattern of ownership:


State Unitary Enterprise

4. The Organization-legal form:


Federal property

5. The essential elements for communication:


7+(08439) 6-28-41, 6-26-87, (095) 546-34-51, 255-23-94


(08439) 6-45-75





Name, post of the contact person

Vladimir Vasiliyevich Vikulin, first deputy director general of science

6. The post address:


Russia 249035 Kaluga region Obninsk Kiev highway house 15

7. The address of office:


Russia 249035 Kaluga region Obninsk Kiev highway house 15  The description how to reach

8. The basic kinds and directions of activity:
  Creation of nonmetallic materials on the basis of polymeric composites, glasses, ceramics, designing of designs from them, development of technological processes and manufacture of nonmetallic units and products, and also film glues, vibro-absorbing coatings, thermal-izolation and heat-shelding materials, etc. for the aerospace, chemical, electrotechnical industry, ground and a sailing charter, metallurgy, etc.

9. Name, post and contact information of the chief:

12. Vladimir Vasiliyevich Vikulin, first deputy director general of science

Name, post of the responsible person:

12. Vladimir Vasiliyevich Vikulin, first deputy director general of science


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