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"ROSNO" (Zhukovsky branch office)<< Participants MAKS <<  www.MAKS.ru

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"ROSNO" (Zhukovsky branch office)

1. Full name under the charter:

The People's Insurance Company of Russia "ROSNO" (Zhukovsky branch office)

2. The abbreviated name under the charter:


"ROSNO" (Zhukovsky branch office)

3. Pattern of ownership:



4. The Organization-legal form:


Open Joint Stock Company

5. The essential elements for communication:


(095) 556-45-83, (248) 7-78-30


(095) 556-43-92





Name, post of the contact person

Shepeleva Marina Viktorovna, senior specialist

6. The address of office:


Russia Moscow reg. 140180 Zhukovsky Gastello 1

7. The basic kinds and directions of activity:
  All types of insurance.

8. Name, post and contact information of the chief:

. Doronina Valentina Savelievna, director of branch office.

Name, post of the responsible person:

Doronina Valentina Savelievna, director of branch office.


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 1997 - 2001 ® www.SOVA.Ru tel. (095) 211-24-20 fax. (095) 211-56-47