Propellants, Fuel/Oxidizer….. O2(gas)/kerosene Average Nominal Thrust, N (Ibf) …..186.40 (40.85) Average Specific Impulse, Steady State, sec …..257 Nominal Inlet Pressure, MPa (psi) ….. 3.43/1.62 (497.47/) Maximum Inlet Pressure, MPa (psi) ….. 5.89/1.96 (852.81/284.27) Minimum Inlet Pressure, MPa (psi) …..2.45/1.37 (355.34/199.00) Minimum Impulse Bit, N-s (Ib-s) ….. 11.2 (2.52) Duration of Single Impulse, s….. 0.06-100 Nozzle Expansion Ratio …..52.9 Maximum Thruster Length, mm (in) ….. 360 (14.17) Maximum Nozzle Diameter, mm (in) ….. 094 (3.70) Maximum Mass, kg (Ibn,) …..6.3(13.9) Total Impulse, kN-s (kib-s) 857.4….. (193.02) Cycle Life, Number of starts-up….. 40,000 Nominal Voltage, VDC …..27 Voltage Range, VDC….. 23...34 Pull-in Current, A….. 0.05/0.2...0.3 Holding Current, A….. 0.02/0.1