Propellants, Fuel/Oxidizer …..НДМГ/АТИН, AT Mixture Ratio …..1,85±0.15 Average Nominal Thrust, N (Ibf) ….... 490 Average Specific Impulse, Steady State, sec….. 315 Nominal Inlet Pressure, MPa (psi) ….. 2,06 Duration of Single Impulse, s….. 0,050.. .3000 Nozzle Expansion Ratio….. 150 Maximum Thruster Length, mm (in) ….. 600 Maximum Nozzle Diameter, mm (in) ….. O226 Maximum Mass, kg (Ibm) …..3,5 Cycle Life, Number of starts-up …..150000 Nominal Voltage, VDC….. 27 Voltage Range, VDC …..20…34