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Brief History

The history of NPO Energomash comes back to the May, 15, 1929 when the group for the development of rocket engines was established at Gas Dynamic Laboratory (GDL) in Leningrad. In 1933 the group became a part of Propulsion Research Institute (RNII) to continue its work in Moscow. In 1941 the group was reorganized into the Experimental Design Bureau (OKB) in Kazan. From 1946 activity on liquid rocket engines development are conducting in Khimky, Moscow region. The founder and permanent head of NPO Energomash till 1974 was academician Valentin Glushko – initiator of Russian liquid propellant rocket engine industry. Practically all Russian space launch-vehicles put into orbit by LPRE developed at NPO Energomash. NPO Energomash engines are used also in composition of US space launch-vehicles Atlas III and Atlas V.
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