IAI Israel Aircraft Industries, Ltd

Moshe Keret, President & CEO
Ovadia Harari, Executive Vice President & COO
Josef Fishman, Vice President Marketing
Dov Baraz, General manager of represantation office in Russia
(095) 2582837, 2582838
Ilana Sternfeld, Corporate Foreign & Press Manager
(972-3) 935-85-14, 972-3-9353396

The contact information
The contact information:</</font> + 972-39355934, 9355502, (095)258-28-37 , 9358729, 9355463 , www.iai.co.il
Main office address: 70100 Israel , Tel Aviv , Ben-Gurion International Airport
Post address: 70100 Israel Tel Aviv Ben-Gurion International Airport

Representative office in Russia
(095) 258-28-37, 258-28-38