Ufa Engine Industrial Association (UMPO), JSC

The shown productions contact information
Rotor mast for helicopters
, 38-26-36, , www.umpo.ru
Resposible person:
M.K.Malyarenko, Deputy General Director
(3472) 38-26-36, fzx: 38-26-36, email: [email protected],, page_address: www.umpo.ru
V.P.Lesunov, General Director
(3472) 38-33-66, 38-37-44, , www.umpo.ru
Y.L.Pustovgarov, Technical Director
(3472) 38-33-68, 38-27-44, , www.umpo.ru
V.V.Korznikov, Commercial Director
(3472) 38-33-71, 38-15-02, , www.umpo.ru
M.K.Malyarenko, Deputy General Director
(3472) 38-26-36, 38-26-36, , www.umpo.ru
R.Z.Agzamov, Marketing and sales Director
(3472) 38-73-02, 38-27-44,, , www.umpo.ru

The contact information
The contact information: 347238-33-66, 38-75-44 , 38-37-44, 38-27-44, ., www.umpo.ru
Main office address: 450039 , Russian Federation , Bashkiria , Ufa , Ferina St.2
Post address: 450039 Russian Federation Bashkiria Ufa Ferina St.2