:.. / “SAVMA”, BJS

About company

Savelovo Joint Stock Machine Building Company “SAVMA” is situated in an old Russian town Kimry within 125km to the north from Moscow on the Volga bank which is the homeland of A.Tupolev.

The Company originated from Savelovo repair shops built in 1915 to maintain and narrow-gauge railroad trains.

Savelovo machine building started in 1930 when production and training shops of Moscow Central Labour Institute were reorganized as a machine building factory.

The factory was brought under authority of Defense Ministry in 1937 and later reformed as a factory to manufacture hydraulic planes (scout planes KOP-2). In 1939 Savelovo factory became a State Factory No.288.

In 1941 the factory was evacuated to Omsk and involved in military equipment repair works. There it became the area to accommodate Cheliabinsk Tool-Making Factory No.2 oriented at production of equipment for the aviation industry.

In 1944 the factory receives the status of State Factory No.491.

In 1946 the Ministry of Aircraft Industry appointed the factory as the one to manufacture high capacity precision lathes.

In 1948 the Ministry of Aircraft Industry chose the factory as a base to organize production of specialized technological equipment for the aircraft industry.

In 1966 the factory was transformed in Savelovo Machine Building Company ”SMZ” and became Savelovo Production Society ”Progress” (SPO “Progress”). The factory was a forward in production of CNC machines. Annual production levels reached 2500 pieces of up-to-date specialized CNC high-precision equipment including machining centers. The factory manufactured over 30 000 CNC high-precision machines which became a pledge of airspace industry success.

On the 13th of April, 1983 Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet awarded the factory with an Order of the Red Banner.

In March 1993 the factory was registered as Savelovo Joint Stock Machine Building Company” (JSC”SAVMA”).

The Company is a large machine building enterprise now. It manufactures complex high-precision equipment of the new generation that is employed not only by the airspace industry but also by other industry branches of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Products of the Company are also known abroad.

The main wealth and value of the Company now is people who work for the Company and the Company works for.

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.