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Social sphere

OAO ” MOTOR SICH” pays great attention to the development of physical fitness and sport.
Sports complex includes:
- Stadium for 10000 seats: 2 football fields, all-in playground for mini football, handball, basketball, 2 volleyball playgrounds, table tennis area - 10 tables, tennis court - 2 playgrounds, ”health course” - 1500 m with gyms;
- Field -and - track hall: 3 cinder tracks, 250m each, handball hall for 1000 seats, sports hall (handball plus three volleyball playgrounds) for 300 seats, boxing hall, rhythmic-sportive gymnastics and artistic gymnastics halls, weight sports hall, 2 body -building halls;
- Gymnasium of the Junior Physical Culture school: 460m for plungers training;
- ” Slavutich” swimming pool: 50 m, 1050м2 (two athletic training halls, sports mastership hall, shaping gym, two saunas, hydro - shower;
- ” OSVOD” swimming pool, 25 m, 250м2.
- Aquatics base for 80 shipboards: two tennis courts, basketball and two volleyball playgrounds;
- Two health camps for 110 persons;
- Handball.

Three professional women’s handball teams are successful in this sports complex: ”Motor”, ”Motor -2” performing at the Championship of Ukraine in major league, group A, and ” Motor -3” performing in group B.
” Motor” team has become an 8-times champions of Ukraine, won the Cup of the country. In 2001 the ” Motor” team has won for the first time the handball Cup of the European countries.

Plungers school of the ”Motor Sich” remains one of the best in the world and names of our famous sportsmen are known far beyond Ukraine.

Aquatics sportsmen from ”Motor Sich” are well-known both in Ukraine and in the whole world. Master of sport Maria Ogurtzova repeatedly became the winner of the Ukraine championship.

The following Ukraine honored trainers train plungers: Т.А. Turova, L.N. Barsukova, L.A. Skorina, А.А Barsukov, E.N. Pishkurov.

Other competitive sports
Central sports sections: boxing, canoeing, track -and-field, yachting, football, checks- 250 sportsmen of different age.
All club sections are equipped with sportswear with ” Motor Sich” symbolic as well as with modern equipment and outfit.

Recreation activities.
Sports club has the following groups: boxing, weight lifting, body -building, artistic gymnastics, free calisthenics, shaping, fitness, txeckvondo, dousing and swimming - 1000 persons regularly take exercise there.

Physical therapy groups are daily available for 200 factory worker aimed at their rehabilitation and sanitation by the assignment of medical department.

For the period from 1980 -2001 the sports club ” Motor Sich” has cultivated the following sportsmen:
- Master of sports - 200
- World-class athletes- 36
- Merited of sports- 3
- Honored trainers of Ukraine -11
- Champions of Ukraine - 234
- Prizewinners of the Ukraine championships -426
- Champions of the USSR - 49
- Cup-winners of the USSR - 1 (handball team ”Motor”).
- European junior championships winner -11
- Prizewinners of the European junior championships - 15
- Winners of the World junior championships - 10
- Prizewinners of the World junior championships -6
- European Cup winners -14
- European Cup prizewinners -24
- European champions -4
- European prizewinners - 19
- World cup prizewinners - 6
- World champions -5
- World prizewinners - 4
- Olympians -16
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