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Aviation & Space Salon
August 19-24, 2003, FRI named after M.M.Gromov, Zhukovsky, Russia
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.. / KMPO – Kazan Motor Building Association

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KMPO – Kazan Motor Building Association

Contact the Company
tel (8432) (8432) 54 10 24 (8432) 54 11 24., fax (8432) (8432) 54 72 42., Send request to the Company!
Brief name: KMPO – Kazan Motor Building Association

Name: KMPO - Kazan Motor Building Association

Country: Russian Federation

Head: General Director,

Main lines of business: KMPO carries out renwal and repair of NK 8-2U, NK 86 for Tu-154B, IL-86 aircraft, develops production of AI-22 turbo-jet bypass engine for Tu-324 and Yak-48, NK-93, spare parts and units of Pratt & Whitney engines, assembling and testing of PW 207 helicopter engine. Enterprise put into production NK-16ST, NK-16-18ST6 power engines, NK-38ST with effective output 38%, Volga GPA-16 gas transfer station, Istok automatic gas distribution station with output 100Ц100 000 cubic meter per hour, Foyt Company license automatic transmition (GMP DIWA).

Contact information: Code:8432, Phone.:(8432) 54 10 24 (8432) 54 11 24., Fax:(8432) 54 72 42., ,

General office address: 420036, Tatarstan, Russian Federation, Kazan, 1, Dementieva Str.

Post address: 420036, Tatarstan, Russian Federation, Kazan, 1, Dementieva Str.

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