:.. / AviaTechMas

Brief history

In 2001 the enterprise celebrated its 60th anniversary. It dates back to June 26, 1941 when Mobile Aircraft Repair Shop #338 was established in Kharkov (Ukraine). The repair shop saw the Victory Day in Konigsberg. During four years of work, its workers and technicians reconditioned and returned to service 286 Yak-1, Su-2, Il-2 and Il-10 combat aircraft. Mobile Aircraft Repair Shop #338 was awarded the Order of the Red Star for feat of labor.

In 1953 the shop was moved to Baranovichi where a large air base was located. In 1958 the shop launched repair of the Il-28 frontline bombers and in 1961 it was engaged in the repair of the Tu-16 longrange missile-carrying bombers. As a result, the repair shop became a full scale enterprise designated Aircraft Repair Plant #558.

In the 1970s the enterprise proceeded with repair of third-generation aircraft: Su-17 fighter-bombers and their export versions designated Su-20 and Su-22.
In the 1980s the plant mastered repair of fourth-generation aircraft.
Today, “558 Aircraft Repair Plant” is a dynamically functioning enterprise that possesses highly skilled personnel, up-to-date production facilities and advanced technological equipment. It is involved in repair of the following aviation materiel: Su-17, Su-20,Su-22,Su-25,Su-27,Mig-29 aircraft and their modifications; measuring equipment and test instrumentation required for operation and maintenance of aircraft.

Under a conversion program, the plant has mastered the repair of An-2civil airplane, and has mastered the repair of Mi-8MT and Mi-24 helicopters.

A special program under theoretical, flight and simulator-assisted training of flight personnel is carried out at the enterprise. The maintenance personnel of regular air units is trained here in servicing new aviation materiel, whereas the repair plant staff masters progressive technologies and procedures used in repair of various aircraft, avionics and weapons.

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.