:.. / Kyshtymsky radio plant

Brief history

The 4-th of April 1960 year is the birthday of the Kyshtymsky padio plant, when was handed in customer first sets of automatic radio direction- finger ”Compas”. Since then enterprise produce complicated radioelectronic technology, on-board equipment and land-ground systems also radio controls, for example ”Pirs”, for determine location ship during navigation, line radio-control ”Gorizont”, without pilot complex aerial reconnaissance ”Stroi-P” and others.
In the beginning 60 years radio plant produce consumer goods: television receivers ”Voronez”, radio-gramophones ”Otdic” and ”Brigantina”, portable radio receiver ”Qwartz” different modifications. Up to the present radio plant produce professional radio station,
homephones, invalid carriages and others with trade mark ”Qwartz”.
In 1994 year radio plant names as

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.