Brief history

The Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time (RIRT) was established in 1957 (before 1991 - Leningrad research radio engineering institute) with the purpose of development and establishment system of common time of high accuracy, long-range radionavigation aids, quantum electronics on the basis of atomic-molecular frequency standards, as well as radionavigation systems and common-time systems user`s equipment for defense and national economy destination. RIRT is a leading institution of the Russian Federation for forming scientific and technical policy in the field of position/timing service, on developing systems and position/timing aids, inter alia P RNS `Alpha`, IP RNS `Chayka`, systems of synchronization rocket/space complexes: `Tsikada`, GLONASS, KOSPAS-SARSAT, `SEA Launch` etc.

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.