:.. / МОКБ Марс


ЗАПРОС: 28 Апреля 2003г. в 15:10:17 -

Отправитель: Галов Андрей Михайлович, , .
Тел: - , факс , примечание .
Срок актуальности запроса:
Прайс-лист: нет. Регулярность поставок: . Количество единиц: . Страна поставки: Россия. Регион поставки: . Адрес поставки: . Валюта и способ оплаты: .
Текст запроса: Hello Anatoly Syrov,, I am writing to you with a request. I am looking for a family and relations of my Russian grandmother Larissa Przevuskaya nee Syrova whose fathers name was Ivan Syrov. I am Polish but my mother's family came from Russia. My mother's grandfather was born in Omsk (Siberia) in 1759. He died in 1819 at the age of 60 of a heart attack, while writing a letter at his desk. He was son of a very affluent family of Russian boyars who settled in Siberia in XVII C during the rule of the tsar Peter the Great. Ivan was a Secretary General and Commissioner for Customs and Excise in Gubernya Khabarovsk. He was an owner of two tenement houses in Khabarovsk and a large property in Vladivostoc. The story told to me by my grandmother Larissa was that it had been acknowledged in her family that one of his brothers commanded a regiment of the tsar's Army, an honour of the highest rank at that time, but his name was not known neither to my grandmother nor my mother. Ivan's uncle (his father's brother) was a general in the tsar's army. He died before the October Revolution. I was wandering whether you are related to any of these names? My name is Ludmila Sakowski. I was born in Poland in 1953 and emigrated to New Zealand in 1983. I learned to speak and write in Russian but now my ability to do so is rather limited for I have not spoken or written in this language for over twenty five years. Please write to me if you can. I would love to find relatives of my great grandfather as my mother was born in Poland and never had a chance to find her family after the W.W.II. Hope to hear from you Yours sincerely Ludmila SAKOWSKI&xtra.co.nz .

ЗАПРОС: 17 Февраля 2003г. в 09:11:43 - EXCHANGE

Отправитель: Алексей Васильев, , .
Тел: - , факс , примечание .
Срок актуальности запроса:
Прайс-лист: нет. Регулярность поставок: . Количество единиц: . Страна поставки: Андорра. Регион поставки: . Адрес поставки: . Валюта и способ оплаты: .
Текст запроса: УВАЖАЕМЫЕ ГОСПОДА! Просьба подсказать: кто поможет в конверсии 150млн. динаров Ирака(IQD),Кувейта(KWD) и Югославии(YUM) >> в USD или EUR? Оплатим комиссию; Заранее благодарю! С Уважением >> Алексей Васильев E-mail:[email protected] .

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