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Fifth-generation avionics systems from Ramenskoe

In the recent years, the requirement has become necessary for modernization of the fleet of Russian aircraft adopted to service in different countries, including the Air Force of the Republic of India.

In the first line, the need of updating those planes is accounted for by a considerable progress since the time when the aircraft had been designed made, first of all, in the development of the element base, in computer technology, up-to-date sighting and navigation systems marked by great improvements, indication systems based on new principles, present-day concepts of defense system organization, control and recording of parameters, new techniques for operational control of airborne equipment. The implementation of new equipment makes it possible to drastically increase the efficiency of combat application of service planes. Of particular importance are such updating measures for front-line combat and fighter aircraft because of today`s very rigorous requirements for their multifunctional application against air and ground targets, while simultaneously featuring high levels of self-defen-sive capability, in directing reconnaissance operations, participating in group combat actions.

One of the illustrative examples of substantial modernization of a Russia-designed airplane now in service of the Indian Air Force is that of SU-30K aircraft being updated according to the signed contract. The modernization of this aircraft coded as SU-30MK has been carried out under the auspices of the Sukhoi Design Bureau with participation of a number of other Russian firms implemented on the basis of a broad international cooperation with such participants as Indian, French and Israeli firms.

The fundamental present-day requirements to avionics complexes for front-line aircraft are those of multifunctional performance of combat tasks which can be managed under application of as many as possible various guided armament systems having different types of guidance, along with unguided weapons and guns. The successful combined application of guided weapons of various classes presupposes that the requirements should be fulfilled which demand high levels of automation in processes of target searching, detecting, acquisitioning, and in application of most appropriate types of weapons for every specific combat situation. On the other hand, such circumstances dictate the use of multifunction sensors and systems capable of operating in different spectral zones and enabling simul-taneously the application of guided weapons with required types of homing heads.

The factors governing the solution of such tasks is the structural composition of the cockpit data-control field and the technique selected for control of equipment operation.

This is especially important in case of the airplane with one pilot who is solely responsible for such duties as aircraft control, target search and weapon application, deciding on organizing defensive measures, navigation, communication with ground guidance points, also participating in group actions when the workload on the pilot may reach unacceptable levels.

The problem can be solved by using a highcapability computational system aboard the aircraft featuring an interface of expanded functions, the system enables automatic computerized solution of many tasks which are sure to substantially relieve pilot`s work-load.

The major activities to be made while selecting proper systems and techniques for successful solution of combat tasks in the process of modifying the fleet of obsoles-cent combat planes in service include:

selection of a multifunction mapping and sighting system,

selection of multifunction indicators, head-up displays and cockpit control panels,

selection of a high-accuracy inertial system including a satellite communication channel,

installation of an onboard graphics station for generation of digital map for crew members,

selection of a high-capability computational system including a high-speed data exchange channel,

installation of a high-performance system of onboard sensors and jammers for effective target seaichinq and noise jamming in wide radio and infraied spectra,

solution of combat and navigational tasks based on improved algorithms offering higher accuracy,

implementation of up-to-date techniques for planniny. preparation and entry of flight missions into onboatd computational system.

These practices and approaches will optimize general efficiency of application of airplanes, bring them to the present-day high-technology level of aircraft developed during the last decade, enhance their flying life due to additional improvements made to increase the service life both of their alrframe and airborne equipment that is not subject to replacement.
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