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Brief history

UTair Aviation was founded on February 7, 1967. On that day, the [Soviet] Minister of Civil Aviation issued a decree to establish the Tyumen Administration of Civil Aviation. Before the Soviet Union came to end, this was recognized into the State Air Company ”Tyumenaviatrans” [Directive No. 1 of the USSR Civil Aviation Minister of January 4,1991]. The following year, President’s Decree No.721 of July 1, 1992 was issued , changing ”Tyumenaviatrans” Air Company into an open joint-stock society. The decision of the General Investors Meeting of October 1, 2002 was issued, changing ”Tyumenaviatrans” Air company into UTair Aviation JSC. The founding shareholder of the company was the State Committee on State Property Administration of the Russian Federation . The state registration of the new Joint Stock Company was performed by the head of administration of the Central district of Tyumen on October 28, 1992.
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