Brief history

JSC AEROCON is a multiple-discipline innovation company operating on the base of Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after prof. N.E.Zhukovsky starting from 1991.
Authority and recognition of a company are confirmed by: license of Russian Aerospace Agency for development of aviation technique, license of Russian Federal Security Service and by long-term cooperation with leading companies of Russian aerospace industry - TsAGI, Tupolev Design Bureau, Molnya Company, Yakovlev Design Bureau, Sukhoy Design Bureau, Avionics Research Institute, Keldysh Center, Energya Company, Mashinostroyenie Company, TsNIIAG, NIITP and others.
- Organization of research engineering and development projects under orders of Russian aerospace industry companies, particulary in the interests of the Ministry of Defense.
- Experimental developments of non-standart systems and equipment.
- Development and application to production of program-technical means of computer_aided design and manufacturing.
- Development of an amphibian aero-sleigh.
- Edition of technical literature.

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.