Group of companies Electroninvest

Emelyan Polyansky, General director
(095) 155-0656, 152-5241, 155-0677,
Valeriy Vedernikov, Director of scientific and technological department
(095) 155-0656, 152-5241, 155-0677,
Gennady Jakovlevich Mironenko, Director of marketing department
(095) 155-0656, 152-5241, 155-0677,

The contact information
The contact information:</</font> 095155-0656, 152-5241, 155-0677 , .
Main office address: 125167 , Russian Federation , Moscow region , Moscow , Aviatsionniy Per., 5, corp. 4 office 315
Post address: 125167 Russian Federation Moscow region Moscow Aviatsionniy Per., 5, corp. 4 office 315