Number and type of the engines….. 2 TV3-117VMA turbo-shafts Engine power, h.p…... 2,200 TO weight (normal), kg …..9,800 Rotor diameter, m …..14.5 Flight speed (in diving), km/h….. 390 Vertical rate of climb at 2500m altitude, m/s …..10 Vertical load factor …..3.5 G Ceiling, m - hovering…..4000 - service …..5500 Practical flight range, km - with internal fuel…..520 - with internal and additional tanks ….. 1100 Anti-tank weapons ATGM model….. "Vikhr" Quantity …..12 Speed (average), m/s at leas….. 400 Firing range, m …..8,000 Armor piercing capability, mm …..950 Gun weapon Movable gun model …..2А42 Caliber, mm….. 30 Gun ammunition, rounds….. 460 Weight of a round, kg….. 0.39 Muzzle velocity, m/s….. 980 Sighting range, m …..4,000 Rockets Number of rockets: - 80-mm caliber…..80 - 122-mm caliber …..10 "Air-to-air" missiles Model ….."Igla-B" Quantity …..4