:.. / Rusklimat

History of the company

Company ” RUSKLIMAT ” - the professional company in the market of the climatic equipment. The strategic purpose of the company - granting of maximum full complex of the goods and services in the world of a climate.
Company ” RUSKLIMAT ” has been created 7 years ago and has recommended itself the reliable and solid partner both among clients, and among professionals of the industry of a climate. Now we possess wide experience on sale, selection, installation and service of central airs, ventilation and the heating equipment of leading firms of manufacturers. All equipment which we represent, is certificated and has a long guarantee.

Company ” RUSKLIMAT ” is a network of the specialized climatic interiors where always at your service professional managers and engineers who can pick up technics necessary for you from idle time up to elite, answer all your questions, consult on questions of service and operation of the equipment chosen you.

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.