The БСПИ unit technical specifications: processor type - Intel (486, 486DX2); clock rate – not less then 25 MHz; data capacity -8/16/32/64 – integral numbers, 32/64/80-with floating decimal point; commands system – Intel; architecture – modular, open, expandable; memory capacity: random access memory – 1Mb, Fixed memory – 1 Mb, memory unit – 8 Kb ; capacity of the additional flash memory is not less then 8 Mb; interfaces: input serial interfaces - GOST 18977-79, frequencies 48 and 100 kHz – 1; input parallel interfaces, 27 bits- 1; output series interfaces as per RS-485 – 2. Electrical supply from the onboard ac voltage net - 115V 400Hz; Flight time between failures – 3000 hours; Unit weight without frame – 2,2 kg; Unit dimensions ( without frame) - 323х200х54 mm;. Warm up time – not more then 15 sec.