The РЛПК-30ФК unit supports operational integrity at the following conditions: - flight altitude – up to 20 km; - flying speed – up to 2500 km \hour; - practical range at cruise speed – up to 3000 km; - roll, pitch and direction maneuvers ; - line G forces: nx (-2,5…+2,5) units.; ny (-4,5…9,0) units.; nz (1,5…+1,5) units.; - attitude rates:wx max (±3,0) radian/sec; wymax (±2,5) radian/sec; wz max (±1,0) radian/sec. The РЛПК-30ФК units stand mechanical and climate effects in accordance with GOST standards РВ 20.39.301-98 ("Moroz-6")