:.. / Machine-building leasing company (Mashleasing), JSC

Main owners

Azovsky cold-forging machinery and presses plant JSС (18,11%) C;
Krasny Proletariy JSC, Moscow (12,22%) ;
Stankoagregat JSC, Moscow;
Egorevsky machine-tool plant `Komsomolets` JSC, Moscow region.(10, 51%);
Belinrez CJSC, Belgorod,
Belgorodsky tool plant, CJSC, Belgorod; (15,55%),
NM-Leasing, Ltd , Moscow (18,72%).
Nikolay Grishchenko -0,25%
Yury Volkov -0,24%
Vladimir Golovljev -0,24%

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El: 77-6097 from 14 February 2002. Publishes since February, 3, 1997.